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Which Wall Cleaners Should You Use?

There are a ton of wall cleaner products out there that you can use, but which ones are really worth your time? You want to use products that are going to get the job done, keep your walls in pristine condition, and maybe even smell good. Some products are better than others, and we will help explain the ones we think are worth your while.

Even if you think you know about spring cleaning tips, we are constantly learning more and more about what is safe to clean with and what isn’t, so be sure to try some of our suggestions if your products simply aren’t keeping your walls as sparkly clean as you’d like them to be.

Your Vacuum Is the Best Wall Cleaner to Start With

Using your vacuum will help with many wall cleaning woes. Simply use the brush attachment to remove and debris hanging out on the texture, clear up any cobwebs and take off any debris. Trying to use a wet cleaning product over walls that have dust or debris can just smear around the debris and dirt, which will make cleaning your walls even harder.

Start with grabbing the vacuum, and you will give all of your wall cleaning products the best shot at working well.

Best Natural Wall Cleaners

Trying to stay natural with your cleaning products? Many people are trying to switch over to natural cleaners instead of using chemicals. Luckily, there are plenty of products you may already have in your home. For kitchen walls that hold grease or cooking smells, you can use salt to soak up the grease and remove yellowing stains.

If you want to go completely natural, try a borax solution. This is a great option and safe for most walls, but you will want to spot test if you can. You also need to be sure you rinse off borax exceptionally well because it can be dangerous for pets and children.

Best General Wall Cleaner

There are many, many products out there to clean your walls, but there is one simple recipe that works for all kinds of walls, whether you have heavily textured walls or walls that are flat and smooth: a simple combination of liquid dish detergent, vinegar, and water. You may need to adjust the recipe a bit for your needs, but it is a great thing to keep in a spray bottle for spot treatment or to use to clean your walls completely.

You want to mix in a teaspoon of your favorite liquid dish detergent into a quart of warm (but not hot) water. Then add about a quarter teaspoon of white vinegar. You want to mix the solution well and then allow it to sit for at least ten minutes.

This mixture is known for pulling color from cloth, so be sure to use a white, lint-free rag, microfiber cloth, or even a pair of white socks. Socks are actually the most effective option!

Best Wall Cleaner Tools

Often, it isn’t the liquid or cleaning product you use to clean your walls that are the most effective, but the tools you use to clean the walls. There are a few things you want in your arsenal to get the cleanest walls possible:

  •  A long-handled mop: We are cleaning the walls here, not the floors, so why do you need a mop? Mops not only help you to reach the furthest corners of the walls, but if you have a hard mop, you will be able to get right into the corners.
  • A good set of buckets: You want at least two buckets for cleaning your walls - one that will hold the cleaning product and one that will hold water to rinse.
  • Lint-free cloths: Don’t just use any rag to clean your walls. You want cloths that are lint-free so that you don’t leave any debris behind. Try to find a cloth that you can just throw into the washing machine.
  • A drop cloth: Don’t want to clean your floors at the same time you are cleaning your walls? Get a drop cloth to prevent any water splashes on your floor.
  • Spray bottle: To keep your walls clean, get a spray bottle for when you need to spot treat something. You can direct the spray right onto the stain and eliminate the problem quickly.

You may want to keep specially dedicated tools for cleaning your walls. And be careful not to mix up your floor mop with your wall mop, or you may have issues!

Prevention Is Your Best Bet

Truthfully, walls are tough to clean, and your best bet is to keep your walls as clean as possible on a regular basis. Prevention is key! This may mean only using specialty walling in places where little fingers won’t touch, or it could mean cleaning regularly. Keeping your walls dust-free and immediately tackling any spills should be enough to prevent any need for deep cleaning.

You also want to use high-quality cleaning tools and materials. This includes using rags that won’t produce and lint, especially if you have walls with texture.

In Conclusion

When you are trying any new wall cleaner product or tool, be sure to spot test and try it on a portion of the wall that is usually hidden or an extra piece of walling if you have it. This can prevent any serious missteps. Most products are safe to use on most walls, but there is always an occasional product that will cause issues or damage. And you definitely don’t want that!

If you ever have any problems, immediately stop using the product and take a breath. Try to problem solve before you cause an even bigger problem. Most mistakes are fixable with replacement wall pieces or paint, but the bigger the spot, the more difficult it will be. Simply try these suggested wall cleaners, and you’re sure to love the results! 


How to Clean Greasy Semigloss-Painted Walls | SF Gate

How to Vacuum Walls and Ceilings | The Spruce

How to Paint a Brocade Ceiling | SF Gate

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