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7 Reason NOT To Shop For Flooring Online...

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Every day, businesses shift more of their business to the internet, using e-commerce as a way to provide more service to their customers. One industry where we've been seeing this more recently is the home improvement space. Last year, internet sales of home improvement products like flooring grew by more than 30%. In the USA, this accounted for almost 20 billion dollars of products being sold. Growth has been seen in areas beyond flooring as well, including outdoor living spaces, interior design, and others. There are many reasons a customer wouldn't want to shop online vs. driving to a brick and mortar retail space. Let's go over a few!

It's too easy to comparison shop!

On the internet, making sure you've got the best deal is just a click away. Being able to check many different stores saves you hours of driving around town and making endless phone calls. Many customers have a set budget in mind before they undertake a home improvement project like installing new floors and being able to view all the options at once gives them peace of mind knowing that they're getting a fair shake.

No high-pressure sales people!

Close-up of Human Hand

Everyone loves being assaulted by a pushy sales rep when all they want to do is browse, right? When you shop online you can leisurely select from hundreds of products, casually making your own decisions, without being pushed into a product that might not be right for you. Another benefit is that you can easily order products for friends and family without their knowledge.

There's too much variety!

Shopping locally limits you to a handful of in-store products. When you shop online for flooring, especially here at, you can find nearly any style or color that you can dream of. Hardwood Bargains makes it easy to browse by species, finish, width, and many other attributes, helping you to pinpoint exactly the right product for your style and budget.

The prices are too cheap!

When you shop online, you avoid having to pay additional costs for stores to operate their storefronts, utilities, and other expenses unrelated to what you want - the best floor at the best price. Most eCommerce stores also prominently display a clearance section that highlights special deals that you may not know about if you just asked a clerk at the flooring store down the road. Don't forget about bonus offers as well, like seasonal discounts, free shipping promotions, and coupon codes - these all work together to save you lots of money, all said and done.

It's too convenient!

One of the reasons a customer would make the decision to shop online instead of in-store is that when browsing online, there is a seemingly limitless amount of bargains, product selection, and new ideas available. You can buy anything you need, but you can also get customer service, tips from pros, and more - this can lead to you thinking about other ideas and projects, and discovering different brands, that you otherwise wouldn't have thought of if you just went to a local shop.

Too many new products!

Most companies are always expanding their product offering, and Hardwood Bargains is no exception. This is wonderful news for home improvement enthusiasts that are always looking for the newest and best innovations in whatever area they happen to be shopping in. Taking advantage of a new trend is as easy as signing up for an email newsletter.

You can always find help!

Isn't it great when you actually need to find a salesperson to help, and no one is around? Nope! A huge benefit of shopping on the internet is that customer service is always just a mouse click away. There are multiple ways to contact a helpful flooring specialist at Hardwood Bargains, like live chat, facebook messenger, and others. And the best part - you can reach out when YOU are ready and on your schedule.

Wait a second... I think these might actually be reasons you DO want to shop online!

In conclusion, providing customers with an easy to use, informative website where they can research and buy products that suit their needs, not ours, is one of the cornerstones of Hardwood Bargains. Providing convenience and arming customers with the knowledge that they need to make an informed decision is key to why e-commerce is booming.

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